
A320 glass cockpit software store
A320 glass cockpit software store

a320 glass cockpit software store

Settings on the Flight Control Unit (FCU) cannot be changed using key bindings.The team has found the root cause and are working to implement a fix. Xbox Level of Detail is reduced for some players.Tag: " Fixed-on-live" - The issue previously reported is now fixed on the current version of the SIM.Tag " Workaround" - A workaround is available.Tag: " Need-your-help" - Unable to reproduce, need further information.Note: If the feedback is verified as a bug, the thread’s tag will be changed to “Bug logged” Tag " Feedback-logged" - A Community Feedback is logged in our database to verify the bug.Tag: " Investigating" - The team is aware of an issue and currently investigating.Note: Once logged, the team will be working on a fix for a future update Tag: " Bug-logged" - The issue reported by the community is logged as a bug in our database.For a more comprehensive list of bugs and feedback already tracked or under investigation, visit the forums.

a320 glass cockpit software store

Below you will find the list of known issues as well as potential workarounds or solutions.

A320 glass cockpit software store